Music Lessons
CHRISTIAN CREATIVE SERVICES is available to help you because you don't play an instrument. If you did, you probably would not have visited this page! CCS will write your melody for your poems/lyrics, or if you have a song in your head and are able to sing it, CCS will work with you to get the song out of your head and into a MP3 or CD so that others can hear it the way you are hearing it!
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
What instruments will be played on my song?
Most likely there will be drums, keys, bass, and other instruments will be added as needed, such as guitar, strings or horns. CCS wants to make this sound as wonderful as possible for the Lord.
Are these studio musicians?
No, that would cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Music is done with electronic instruments.
Will it sound like something on the radio?
Sorry, but no, it won't. However, you will be able to share your song and then have the opportunity for someone to hear it and possibly consider recording it professionally. If it stays inside your head, who will hear it? Now it will be heard!